Your Other Community Resources

  • is a leading online destination for caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We offer thousands of original articles, helpful tools, advice from more than 50 leading experts, a community of caregivers, and a comprehensive directory of caregiving services.

    In our senior nutrition guide, you can learn more about the unique nutritional needs of seniors, as well as some of the common challenges older adults face when it comes to eating healthily. It includes tips for planning a healthy diet and information about special dietary accommodations provided in senior living facilities. You’ll also find valuable food safety information for seniors, as well as resources to help older adults access the nutritious foods they need.

    Click Here to Access the Senior Nutrition Guide

    More resources for seniors:

    Understanding Appetite Loss in Seniors

    For Seniors with Diabetes

  • Give Like A Mother

    Providing Clothing and Confidence

    To ensure that children and teens in our community have the appropriate clothing needed to provide safety, comfort, and affirmation of their self-worth, GLAM is a licensed nonprofit focused on the receiving, sorting, and personalizing of these clothes for individual kids.

    Too often, mothers give everything they can for their children and it is still not enough.

    So what can GLAM do for your children?


    Helping those incarcerated pursue higher education. is a student-focused publication dedicated to delivering data-driven research and insights to aid students and educational institutions nationwide. Our commitment is to foster informed decision-making and elevate educational standards by translating complex data into understandable and actionable information.

    We created a resource to help people who are incarcerated and would like to pursue higher education. This article provides information about various grants and scholarships, advocacy programs and resources for returning citizens, and other vital information to help them earn a degree.

    Read this resource to learn more:

    Education and Career Guide After Incarceration